High impact injuries cause particular problems that are difficult to treat conventionally and respond very well to the structural treatment that I give. I call myself a body mechanic, you fix the bike, I'll fix you!

I'm sure that this is related to the fact that my inspiration for training was being knocked off my CG125 three weeks after my CBT by a drunk driver in a BMW. He smashed my leg and I had a long recovery until I was able to get back on a bike to take my test. The woman responsible for treating me over the months that followed taught me how to heal compound injuries.

There are particular movements used on a bike that I understand, so I treat from the perspective of getting back on that bike as quickly as possible. And it's not 'if', it's 'when'! I have now been riding pretty much every day for 6 years and do about 12K a year.

Knees and ankles are common areas where old injuries surface and reduce mobility. These are particularly responsive to what I do and I get great results. Some riders are contemplating operations and want to try something less drastic first. Sometimes I can avoid the need for surgery altogether. Riders and medics alike can assume that the joints and bones are affected when in fact my experience is that most pain and restriction of movement derives from soft tissue: muscle, tendon and ligament. These I can treat. Deep tissue work will also help the bones to heal as it increases the blood flow to all areas. It is very helpful in conjunction with surgery, even with metal in the leg.

One session will usually tell you if what I do will be effective. I suggest three sessions to treat an injury, people often have more than one injury though so you have to try it and see.

I run clinics in central Abingdon and Headington, Oxford. Price and location info



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