
A strain is damage to a muscle, causing breakage of some of the muscle fibres. However large the number of fibres involved the treatment is the same; rest and massage. If you can put Arnica tincture or cream on fairly quickly you will reduce the time it takes to heal dramatically. You can also take Arnica in tablet form. If you wish to know more about this herb, often used homeopathically, there is information about it on the web. Look up Arnica Montana [Made by Weleda and Nelsons, Boots also have their own limited range].

Massage initially is flushing strokes over the area on up towards the heart. You can do this yourself, or come to a remedial masseuse. If you do this during initial healing stages, you will get a much more complete total healing of the area and use exactly as before, of the damaged muscle.

Massage promotes healing by increasing blood flow through the area, providing nutrients and removal of damaged tissue so that replacement can take place. It also feels lovely.

See Old Injuries

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