
A sprain is damage to a joint - to ligaments within or around the joint capsule, that join the bones to one another. Ligaments are strong non-elastic tissue, designed to limit the amount of joint extension, so that joints are not pushed beyond their range of movement. When damaged they take time to heal mostly because they have a limited blood supply; unlike muscles they do not use large amounts of energy during movement. Consequently they respond very well to massage as it increases blood supply to the area.

Passive movements used with massage seem to encourage recovery. Moving the joint to its current pain-free limit, keeps it moving and gradually extends its range until full movement is regained. Arnica is useful for joint damage too, taken internally in tablet form enables it to penetrate the joint reducing swelling and enabling the early return of movement.

Flushing massage, sweeping strokes over and around the joint will also help to reduce swelling more quickly. Massage above and below the joint will help too.

See Old Injuries

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