RSI Repetitive Injury Syndrome and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Using muscles through the same motion, over and over again can cause prolonged and acute pain. Sometimes this is because the muscles remain contracted even when they are not in use. Sometimes this happens through using a computer mouse, keyboard or till. It also happens while driving.

One helpful tip is to frequently take the same muscles through their full range of movement - taking a stretch - while doing the usual job. One bus driver I have treated has been able to alleviate the problem of stiff shoulder (perhaps caused by looking one way only before pulling away) by taking her neck and shoulders through a wide range of movement periodically.

Remedial massage in combination with some resisted muscle movements can re-establish correct function of the muscles, releasing them from spasm. This prolonged contraction is painful and prevents correct usage of the limb concerned also causing problems in the other muscles that take over to try to keep the body functioning.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be usefully treated, the soft tissue of the forearm can usually be felt to be tight to the touch. When these muscles are overused they swell causing constriction at the wrist. Massage and some release movements can lead to reduction in pain, especially at night. This treatment can completely avoid the need for surgery.

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